Posts by Christopher Shaw

Avoid Driving Distractions: 3 Tips to Stay Focused

Every day, about 8 people in the United States are killed in crashes that are reported to include a distracted driver, according to the CDC. And during the holidays, we can anticipate…
driving distractions

Practice Defensive Driving This Holiday Season

Defensive driving during normal days is essential. Practicing defensive driving during the holiday season is even more essential. The holidays are a time for family gatherings, warm food on the…
defensive driving

10 Tips For Avoiding Parking Lot Accidents

Almost 70% of drivers said they’d make phone calls while driving in parking lots. This distracted driving behavior puts drivers at risk of parking lot accidents. Every year in the United…
Parking Lot Accidents

Why Do The Holidays Increase Distracted Driving?

What is distracted driving? Distracted driving is one of the largest contributors to car-related deaths and injuries. Thousands of people die each year from distracted driving in the United States alone, and…
Distracted Driving

What Do I Do If I’ve Been In A Head On Collision?

In 2017, there were nearly 3,500 fatal head-on collisions in the U.S. While head-on collisions are less common than other types of vehicle accidents, the outcome can be catastrophic when they do…
Head-on Collision

I Got Hit by a Drunk Driver, Can I Sue?

You are driving down the road and hear the crunch of metal. Then airbags deploy, and you get jostled from your seat, with only your seatbelt holding you in place.…
drunk driver